Water Broking and Sales
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Aquire is a different type of water broker
Irrigation water is our most important rural asset. It is worth more than the land it irrigates, it’s mortgage-able, it’s the security that our irrigation industry must have. It underwrites the future of all irrigation farming enterprises and the agribusiness’ that rely on them for supply of produce.
The brokerage of it should be handled with the utmost respect by experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated brokers, who fully understand the industry and legislation. We hold an essential duty of care to the clients we act for.
Aquire fully supports licensing and regulation of water brokers, and we work hard to see that happen. Aquire’s water charter is built on improving transparency and integrity across the industry.
Our Water Charter
Aquire Land and Water commits to all of the above.
Ask your current broker whether they do.
Contact us today for further information on (02) 6964 9347 during business hours